You may be wondering if it really makes sense to start a podcast. Can it really have an impact on your business or followers? In a world where we have vast numbers of ways to create (blog, YouTube channel, social media accounts) is adding the effort of creating content for a podcast worth it? I believe it does. And I believe that it is the best time right now to create one. Here’s why…
Fully on-demand and easily accessible
Podcasts are there wherever you want to listen to them. Your smartphone, tablet, computer, smart speaker (like Amazon Echo or Google Home).
Easy to consume passively
Podcasts don’t require undivided attention to be effective. Your audience might be driving, performing chores around the house, or multi-tasking at work. Reach them wherever they are at without requiring their eyeballs as well.
Rapidly growing medium but not yet saturated
Podcast awareness and listeners are growing by the millions every year, but the amount of active shows available still lags far behind other content creation strategies.
High sales conversion rate
Podcast listeners have been shown to be ready to buy in the past. Their listeners often are affluent and loyal, looking for ways to help keep their favorite shows going.
Evergreen content
Once you have created an episode, the value is out there for as long as your show is active. It is always available and providing value to those looking for the information you are providing.
Easily shareable
Podcast listeners are ready to actively provide recommendations to friends about shows they subscribe to or episodes they found interesting. If the content is of value it will be shared.