See the details.
The podcast statistics over the past decade tell a story of growth and opportunity.
Podcast listening is actively growing
There are over 1,000,000 podcasts currently available
Podcast familiarity and regular listening increasing rapidly
Opportunity for new shows exists in the marketplace
Many shows go inactive
Get past the first episode
No saturation in the marketplace
Opportunity for building an audience with growing listener numbers
Content is on-demand
Almost all forms of content for audience-building require undivided attention
Blogs have to be read
YouTube channels must be watched
Podcasts can be consumed while doing anything else
Cooking / Driving / Mowing the lawn
Only the radio competes on allowing for multi-tasking. However, it is not on-demand the way a podcast is.
Content is evergreen and SEO friendly
Old content is always available and ready to be discovered
New listeners frequently go back to find old episodes of interest
Podcasts can be prepared for SEO
Show notes provide details and links that are crawled by search engines
New regular content continues to increase the rank and viability of the podcast
Transcripts of shows are now indexed by the Google Search Engine
Listener demographics and behavior
66% have a bachelor’s degree or higher
44% have a household income above $75k
66% are between the ages of 18-34
80% will listen to most or all of a podcast episode
Podcast listeners are likely to buy
60% have bought something from a podcast ad
72% of podcast subscribers for 4 years or more have bought from an ad
81% sometimes or always pay attention to the podcast ads
Growth + Opportunity
It all begins with your story. Your experiences. Your knowledge.
Now that you can see what the marketplace can support, find out how our turnkey podcast solutions can plow down the technical obstacles between you and your audience.